Measuring Weight Loss : How and when to weigh yourself to understand your progress

Measuring weight loss is an important aspects of any successful program. Weight Loss programs and methods have been often talked about. While some recommend diet, others recommend workout. There are so many diets, so many work out regimes available for weight loss and almost all are different. But there is one thing that is crucial to all good weight loss programs – that is measuring the weight loss. And yet, most of the people are often left frustrated because they do not understand how and when to weigh themselves.

Often many people start their weight loss program and get off the wagon soon because their weighing scale lets them down. Imagine you followed your diet to the letter and even worked yourself out and then the next morning your weighing scale refuses to budge. Sometimes it is even worse when you see your weight jumping by a kilo or more in just one day! In this article we try and explain the many reasons for your weight fluctuation and also how and when you should weight yourself.

Reasons for sudden weight gain

You may see fluctuations on your weighing scale. There may be days when you see the weight has jumped by anywhere between 0.5 kg to 3 kg. This does not necessarily mean that you have gained weight. It could be any of these reasons

  1. Water Retention due to extra salt intake the previous year
  2. High Alcohol Consumption could also show a spike in your weight
  3. For women – being closer to their monthly cycle could also translate to a moving scale due to water retention.
  4. Incorrect method of weighing yourself


Right way to weigh yourself

While the first three reasons can be checked by keeping your water intake at the prescribed levels, the fourth point can simply be managed by being conscientious about how you weigh yourself. So what is the right way to weigh yourself? The key is consistency.

There are a few common mistakes many do while measuring their weight. It could be drinking water just before the measure, constipation, heavier clothing, different weighing scales and so on. How to do it then?

  1. Always measure yourself on an empty bladder. You would be surprised that your scale may show a variation of about 300 to 500 gms, that’s half a kilo if your weigh yourself on a full bladder
  2. Try and weigh yourself in the same garment or similar garment every time. If you are weighing yourself at home, you could try and use minimal clothes to keep a better check on your actual progress. If at a gym, try and measure yourself while you are wearing the same gym clothes as last time you measured yourself.
  3. Fix a time – your weight fluctuates throughout the day. Usually, you would be the lightest in the morning and a bit heavier in the evening. Many recommend that you weigh yourself early morning after you have emptied your bladder and pooped. Remember, however, if you have a habit of drinking water when you wake up, wait for an hour, empty your bladder and then weigh yourself.
  4. Ensure a minimum gap of 2 -3 hours between a meal and when you weigh yourself.

Important thing to note here is consistency. You could measure your daily progress or check it every alternate days or weekly. Just remember, to follow the same routine to ensure you are tracking your true progress.

Disclaimer: Tips and suggestions mentioned in the article are for general information purpose only and should not be construed as professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor or a dietician before starting any fitness programme or making any changes to your diet.

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